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Japan Forums

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The March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan has caused massive damage to infrastructure in many areas of Japan, with the hardest hit areas being in Northern Japan. This forum describes this infrastructure damage.
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The western United States may face issues related to fallout from the meltdown in Japan. This is a forum for accessing and sharing information related to preparedness and community resilience.
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The western United States may face issues related to fallout from the meltdown in Japan. This is a forum for accessing and sharing information related to preparedness and community resilience.
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Posting for exchange of resources addressing the needs in Japan. Please include: What you have or need. Where you are located. Contact information. Details as appropriate.
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Please list: what skill you need; where you need people; why you are asking; duration you anticipate needing people for this skill; your contact information; considerations or restrictions.
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Please post: what supplies or service you need; where you need them; anticipated time frame; how to contact you; restrictions or considerations.
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Include in your post: skills you are offering; time frame available; where you can do this; how to contact you; restrictions or considerations.
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Please post: what supplies or service you are offering; quantity; location of supplies or services; how to contact you; any restrictions or considerations.
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This forum focuses on social and political considerations and their impact on Japan's resilience and sustainability.
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howdy folks
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