Robot in Japanese Reactors Detects High Radiation

AP - AOL News - by Mari Yamaguchi - April 18, 2011

TOKYO -- Readings Monday from robots that entered two crippled buildings at Japan's tsunami-flooded nuclear plant for the first time in more than a month displayed a harsh environment still too radioactive for workers to enter.

Nuclear officials said the radiation data for Unit 1 and Unit 3 at the tsunami-flooded Fukushima Dai-ichi plant - collected by U.S.-made robots that look like drafting lamps on treads - do not alter plans for stabilizing the complex by year's end under a "road map" released by the plant operator Sunday.

With the public growing increasingly frustrated at the slow response to the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crises, parliament grilled Prime Minister Naoto Kan and officials from plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.

"You should be bowing your head in apology. You clearly have no leadership at all," Masashi Waki, a lawmaker from the opposition Liberal Democratic Party, shouted at Kan.

"I am sincerely apologizing for what has happened," Kan said, stressing that the government was doing all it could to handle the unprecedented disasters.

TEPCO's president, Masataka Shimizu, looked visibly ill at ease as lawmakers heckled and taunted him.

Radiation Readings 17 APR: outside 20 km zone Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP

Jap radiation 17 Apr

MEXT is recording radiation measurements at 3 hour intervals in the region 20 km and greater from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. In addition to Japanese,   reports are issued in English version, Chinese version and Korean version. The latest maximum readings reported April 17 and also the prior day, April 16, occur ar reading posts [32] and [83].

[32] Futaba county Namie town Akougi Teshichiro (About30km northwest)

- 23.1  μSv/h at 10:52  April 17     |        25.3 μSv/h at 10:13  April 16

[83] Futaba county Namie town Akougi Kunugidaira (About20km northwest)

- 39.4 μSv/h at 10:24  April 17   |   43.8 μSv/h at 11:15  April 16

For reference, previous readings:

- 38.0 μSv/h March 31 at reading post [32]

- 55.6 μSv/h March 31 at reading post [83]

- 87.0 μSv/h March 27 at reading post [83] 

MEXT to pay airfare to bring international scholarship students back to Japan

This is a notice to inform you that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) will be implementing support for international students relating to the Great East Japan Earthquake as given below.
We will also be continuing to consider further detailed measures in accordance with the circumstances of the international students.

TEPCO: 6 to 9 month containment plan

TEPCO has a two phase plan to stabilize the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. As explained at a news conference on Sunday by chairman of Tokyo Electric Power Company, Tsunehisa Katsumata:

Phase One - 3 months

-build new cooling systems outside Units 1 and 3 to cool down fuel

- patch the damaged section of Unit 2 reactor to contain radioactivity leakage

Phase Two - 3 to 6 months

Fukushima Extended Evacuation Zone _52184445_graphic - lower the temperature of the nuclear fuel in all reactors to below 100o Celsius

- cover the reactor buildings with giant covers with filters to prevent the release of radioactive substances into the air.

- set up equipment to purify contaminated water in tanks and other facilities.

Radioactivity Rises in Sea Off Japan Nuclear Plant

AP - by Mari Yamaguchi - April 16, 2011

TOKYO -- Levels of radioactivity have risen sharply in seawater near a tsunami-crippled nuclear plant in northern Japan, signaling the possibility of new leaks at the facility, the government said Saturday.

The announcement came after a magnitude-5.9 earthquake jolted Japan on Saturday morning, hours after the country's nuclear safety agency ordered plant operators to beef up their quake preparedness systems to prevent a recurrence of the nuclear crisis.

There were no reports of damage from the earthquake, and there was no risk of a tsunami similar to the one that struck the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant March 11 after a magnitude-9.0 earthquake, causing Japan's worst-ever nuclear plant disaster.

Since the tsunami knocked out the plant's cooling systems, workers have been spraying massive amounts of water on the overheated reactors. Some of that water, contaminated with radiation, leaked into the Pacific. Plant officials said they plugged that leak on April 5 and radiation levels in the sea dropped.

Geiger counters ineffective for checking food, water

Radiation factors hard to gauge; experts say rely on official data
Bloomberg, April 16th

Geiger counters are probably ineffective for consumers in detecting hazardous levels of radiation in food and water at home, scientists, professors and device makers said. Large samples should be tested in laboratory-like settings to obtain results, said Joseph Rotunda, who heads the radiation measurement division at toolmaker Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Determining whether food, water or milk is safe also requires expert knowledge and more sophisticated equipment than the typical devices sold online, said Atsushi Katayama, a member of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.

"Just pointing a measuring device at your food before dinner is pretty much meaningless," said Katayama, who has a doctorate in analytical chemistry from Hokkaido University. "Tap water and fish, for example, require special handling, isolation and concentration to get meaningful readings."

Map of Radiation Measurements - by Greenpeace Team

US Department of State Lifts Voluntary Authorized Departure, allowing dependents of the U.S. government employees to return to Japan.

The assessment of technical and subject matter experts across United States Government agencies is that while the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi plant remains serious and dynamic, the health and safety risks to areas beyond the 50 mile evacuation zone, and particularly to Tokyo, Nagoya (Aichi Prefecture), Yokohama (Kanagawa Prefecture) nearby U.S. military facilities and the prefectures of  Akita, Aomori, Chiba, Gunma, Iwate, Nagano, Niigata, Saitama, Shizuoka, Tochigi, and Yamanashi, and those portions of Fukushima, Ibaraki, Miyagi and Yamagata prefectures which are outside a 50 mile radius of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are low and do not pose significant risks to U.S. citizens. 

This analysis takes into consideration both various age groups and the classification of the severity of the situation at Fukushima Daiichi as a Level 7 event by the Government of Japan, which reflects what has transpired since the initial incident and the potential long-term effects in the area surrounding the plant.

In Japan a Shift From Aid Donor to Recipient

By Suvendrini Kakuchi
Source: IPS Online

TOKYO, Apr 13, 2011 (IPS) - April has traditionally been the time for ‘hanami’, or cherry blossom festivals, when millions of Japanese hold parties under the pink flowering trees in parks and streets lit up gaily by lanterns.

But, one month after the earthquake and tsunami of Mar. 11 which left almost 30,000 people dead or missing, a widespread donation drive has supplanted the festive hanami spirit in Tokyo and other major cities.

"The terrible Tohoku disaster has galvanised the nation to launch a nation- wide charity movement," Kyoichi Kobayashi, a social critic and author here, told IPS. "The drive is an entirely new experience for the people who have gotten used to an affluent lifestyle that marks Japan’s post-war economic might."

Indeed, from Hokkaido, Japan’s north island, to Okinawa, the southern tip in the archipelago, hundreds of local volunteer groups, companies and organisations have launched frantic aid projects or are working as volunteers to help the stricken populations in the disaster zones.

Drugs to test / treat radiation poisoning being researched

WASHINGTON ---- Japan's nuclear emergency highlights a big medical gap: Few treatments exist to help people exposed to large amounts of radiation.

But some possibilities are in the pipeline ---- development of drugs to treat radiation poisoning, and the first rapid tests to tell who in a panicked crowd would really need them.

The U.S. calls these potential products "countermeasures," and they're part of the nation's preparations against a terrorist attack, such as a dirty bomb. But if they work, they could be useful in any kind of radiation emergency.

"Thinking of terrorist events is what drives us. Mother Nature can be much of a terror, too," says Dr. Robin Robinson, who heads the federal Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or BARDA, that funds late-stage research of products the government deems most likely to pan out.

BARDA has invested $164 million for research into anti-radiation treatment candidates since 2008, and $44 million for radiation testing ---- in hopes of adding such products to the nation's emergency medical stockpile soon. That's in addition to research dollars from the National Institutes of Health and the Defense Department.

Shake-up time for Japanese seismology

Robert J. Geller, at the Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan, writes in the recent issue of Nature:
"It is time to tell the public frankly that earthquakes cannot be predicted, to scrap the Tokai prediction system and to repeal the LECA. All of Japan is at risk from earthquakes, and the present state of seismological science does not allow us to reliably differentiate the risk level in particular geographic areas. We should instead tell the public and the government to 'prepare for the unexpected' and do our best to communicate both what we know and what we do not. And future basic research in seismology must be soundly based on physics, impartially reviewed, and be led by Japan's top scientists rather than by faceless bureaucrats."


- The Japanese government should admit to the public that earthquakes cannot be reliably predicted.

- Use of the misleading term 'Tokai earthquake' should cease. The 1978 Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Act should be repealed.

USGS: Japan aftershocks could go on into 2012

Another earthquake rocked Japan on Monday, one of nearly 500 aftershocks that have hit the country in the month since a 9.0 magnitude quake and the tsunami it caused devastated many areas.

"When the stress exceeds the friction at that fault, you'll have an earthquake," seismologist Paul Earle said.

In the last 24 hours, the United States Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information Center in Golden has kept tabs on seven different 5.0 or stronger earthquakes in the area around Japan.

"We had a 6.6 this morning. That's enough to seriously shake things up," Earle said. "This is a very large earthquake, and that's why we're seeing this very robust aftershock sequence."

Just last week, there was a 7.1 quake. And it appears the aftershocks may not be letting up any time soon.

"This can go on for several more months," Earle said.

He says it can even go on into next year. While the aftershocks have not caused the damage the original earthquake did (13,000 dead, more than 13,000 missing), they make life in the area very difficult.


Residency, property among post-quake concerns for foreign nationals in crisis

Residency status and property rights are among the legal issues causing concern for foreign nationals directly affected by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, lawyers assisting them with their inquiries said Tuesday.

The Japan Federation of Bar Associations and a local lawyers’ group in Tokyo launched a toll-free telephone consultation service for foreign nationals in late March in the wake of the quake and ensuing tsunami. It received nearly 50 inquiries during the first two weeks, according to Masako Suzuki, a Tokyo-based lawyer.

‘‘In cases where callers lost their Japanese spouses, they wanted to know if they could continue staying in Japan or if they could inherit properties,’’ Suzuki said.

In one case, a woman asked if she could stay in Japan until her late husband, who was buried without cremation, most likely due to a lack of crematorium capacity and shortage of fuel, could be cremated.

The telephone consultation service operates weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon and can be accessed by calling 03-3591-2291.

While it was initially launched in English, Chinese, Portuguese, Tagalog and Japanese, available languages have increased to 10, including Korean. Consulters are required to pay call charges, but they may be able to use phones for free at local international exchange associations in the disaster-hit areas, Suzuki said.




Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident raised from crisis level 5 to 7

The Japanese government's nuclear safety agency has decided to raise the crisis level of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident from 5 to 7, the worst on the international scale.

The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency made the decision on Monday. It says the damaged facilities have been releasing a massive amount of radioactive substances, which are posing a threat to human health and the environment over a wide area.

The agency used the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, or INES, to gauge the level. The scale was designed by an international group of experts to indicate the significance of nuclear events with ratings of 0 to 7.

On March 18th, one week after the massive quake, the agency declared the Fukushima trouble a level 5 incident, the same as the accident at Three Mile Island in the United States in 1979.

Level 7 has formerly only been applied to the Chernobyl accident in the former Soviet Union in 1986 when hundreds of thousands of terabecquerels of radioactive iodine-131 were released into the air. One terabecquerel is one trillion becquerels.

News Release - Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) - INES rating assessed as Level 7 - April 12, 2011

(see link below - a 3 page .pdf report)


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