Drugmakers Pledge to Avoid Safety Shortcuts on Covid Vaccine - Bloomberg

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WHO new graphics on the world wide spread of COVID-19

Editors Note: Click on the word graphics for a link to the illustrations.


New graphics from the World Health Organization illustrate how much worse the coronavirus pandemic is in the Americas compared to other regions of the world.

The US has more cases and more deaths than any other country, with Brazil coming in for a close second.

New graphics from the World Health Organization illustrate how much worse the coronavirus pandemic is in the Americas compared to other regions of the world.

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Australia OKs funding for two potential vaccines

CANBERRA, Australia — Australia announced on Monday it had struck supply and production agreements with pharmaceutical companies worth 1.7 billion Australian dollars ($1.2 billion) over two potential COVID-19 vaccines.

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Covid-19's 'serious, long-term impact' can improve with time, early evidence suggests

First Famines of Coronavirus Era Are at World’s Doorstep, U.N. Warns

The first famines of the coronavirus era could soon hit four chronically food-deprived conflict areas — Yemen, South Sudan, northeast Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo — the top humanitarian official of the United Nations has warned.

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ANALYSIS: Coronavirus: Tests 'could be picking up dead virus'

The main test used to diagnose coronavirus is so sensitive it could be picking up fragments of dead virus from old infections, scientists say.

Most people are infectious only for about a week, but could test positive weeks afterwards.

Researchers say this could be leading to an over-estimate of the current scale of the pandemic.

But some experts say it is uncertain how a reliable test can be produced that doesn't risk missing cases.

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OPINION from UK: Political leaders are raising ‘false hopes’ about coronavirus vaccines

Covid-19 Live Updates: At-Home Virus Tests Remain ‘Aspirational’

As hope builds over possible frequent at-home testing, experts call the idea a long shot.

Over the past few weeks, a Harvard scientist has made headlines for a bold idea to curb the spread of the coronavirus: rolling out antigen tests, a decades-old underdog in testing technology, to tens of millions of Americans for near-daily, at-home use.

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Medical Espionage: Race for Coronavirus Vaccine Pits Spy Against Spy

WASHINGTON — Chinese intelligence hackers were intent on stealing coronavirus vaccine data, so they looked for what they believed would be an easy target. Instead of simply going after pharmaceutical companies, they conducted digital reconnaissance on the University of North Carolina and other schools doing cutting-edge research.

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Death of the elderly: WHO chief says our lack of concern shows 'moral bankruptcy'

India coronavirus caseload crosses 4M, stretching resources

U.S. coronavirus deaths projected to more than double to 410,000 by January

Pharma Companies Plan Joint Pledge on Vaccine Safety

A group of drug companies competing with one another to be among the first to develop coronavirus vaccines are planning to pledge early next week that they will not release any vaccines that do not follow rigorous efficacy and safety standards, according to representatives of three of the companies.

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Trump Administration Will Redirect $62 Million Owed to the W.H.O.

As the United States withdraws from membership in the World Health Organization, the Trump administration will redirect $62 million still owed for this year’s dues to other health-related causes also under United Nations auspices, State Department officials announced on Wednesday.

Most of the redirected money will go to children’s immunization and influenza surveillance, officials said. But the United States Agency for International Development will continue with plans to give $68 million to the W.H.O. to support its work in Libya and Syria, and on polio eradication in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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Delivering super-cooled COVID-19 vaccine a daunting challenge for some countries


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