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Nuclear Engineering Issues

Working Group email address:  ***@***.***


AlMac99 bevcorwin Harry Sauberman Kathy Gilbeaux Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald

Email address for group

Radiation risk is only within the evacuation zones, says WHO, as of March 19

According to The World Health Organization (WHO), as of March 19 info sharing, it seems unlikely that significant amounts of radiation will affect areas outside of Japan. Rumours are circulating about radiation drifting to other countries. Based on available information, this does not appear to be the case. Exposure to radioactive material released from the affected facilities will be largely limited to the evacuation zone within Japan.

There is therefore currently very little risk for Pacific island countries and territories due to the considerable distances involved, even for the Pacific countries and territories nearest to Japan.


As such, WHO does not currently recommend any measures for persons outside of Japan (including the Pacific island countries and territories) where residents should continue with their normal activities.

Situation Reports found by Al Mac V 1.2 thru Mar 23

Here are links to many situation reports on the situations in Japan.  I am far behind on finding all relevant info, but have added lots more here since my last sharing.

When you trace the links to any one source of situation reports, hopefully you can find more current from the same outfit.

What I have found here includes:

  • Disaster Recovery
  • Health
  • IAEA
  • Industry
  • Japan government
  • NGOs
  • Nuclear
  • OCHA Relief Web
  • Radiation Readings
  • Red Cross

Japan Radiation Map

Map in English and in Japanese.  Choose the Prefecture whose map you want to see.  You might start with one whose color code is other than "normal."

Realtime radiation data collected via the System for Prediction of Environment Emergency Dose Information(SPEEDI).

To make sense of this, you need to view some of the posts about the levels of radiation, because there is huge hype.

No one has got radiation sickness yet. 

You could eat the "contaminated" food for a year & get less radiation than one cat scan.

Best New Mashups "Reliable Data Maps"

Best New Mashups - Japanese Earthquake Maps:

Reliable Data Efforts, "The ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan has highlighted our collective reliance on trusted sources. With conflicting reports of radiation levels in affected areas, Portland-based Uncorked Studios has built a way to report and see data in an unbiased format....." duvander : -

Japan Earthquake Map

"Sinsai Japan Earthquake Resources: Using Ushahidi Crowdsourced Crisis Response Platform and OpenStreetMap, this mashup communicates the location as a services and resources useful to those on the scene in Japan."

The status of six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

March 22, 2011 9:02 a.m. EDT

 Workers at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have been scrambling to cool down fuel rods and prevent the release of additional radioactive material since a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami hit the area on March 11.

Here is a summary of the status of each of the plant's six reactors and surrounding buildings, according to the non-profit Japan Atomic Industrial Forum and Tokyo Electric Power Co.



howdy folks
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