
A fourth of U.S. hospitals are reporting a critical staff shortage as Omicron drives a rise in Covid-19 cases

(CNN) About 24% of US hospitals are reporting a "critical staffing shortage," according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services, as public health experts warn the Covid-19 surge fueled by the Omicron variant threatens the nation's health care system.

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Pandemic effects: U.S. Surgeon General Warns Young People Face ‘Devastating’ Mental Health Issues

U.S. Surgeon General Warns Young People Face ‘Devastating’ Mental Health Effects

The United States surgeon general on Tuesday warned that young people are facing “devastating” mental health effects as a result of the challenges experienced by their generation, including the coronavirus pandemic.

The message came as part of a rare public advisory from the nation’s top physician, Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, in a 53-page report noting that the pandemic intensified mental health issues that were already widespread by the spring of 2020.

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Analysis:The U.S. may be less prepared for the next pandemic than it was for the current one because of threats, resignations and politics--NY Times survey .


State and local public health departments across the country have endured not only the public’s fury, but widespread staff defections, burnout, firings, unpredictable funding and a significant erosion in their authority to impose the health orders that were critical to America’s early response to the pandemic.

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