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Philippines signs biggest COVID-19 vaccine order yet, for 40 mln Pfizer doses mike kraft Group Post 06/20/21
Philips in talks with FDA about ventilator issues mike kraft Group Post 11/14/21
Phishing ploy targets COVID-19 vaccine distribution effort mike kraft Group Post 12/03/20
Physical distancing better at stemming COVID-19 than US/Mexico border closure -- study mike kraft Group Post 12/18/23
Physicians caution against working from home during COVID infections mike kraft Group Post 07/08/22
Pilot program finds cash cards helped encourage vaccinations in several underserved communities mike kraft Group Post 10/26/21
Placing COVID patients in skilled nursing facilities during the early pandemic led to increased cases, deaths, study finds mike kraft Group Post 06/04/24
Plan to flood Fukushima reactor could cause new blast, experts warn mdmcdonald Group Post 05/13/11
Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity-- poll of hundreds of scientists mike kraft Group Post 05/08/24
Plutonium Traces Found in Iitate Soil Kathy Gilbeaux Group Post 10/04/11
Poland to abolish almost all COVID-19 restrictions starting Monday mike kraft Group Post 03/24/22
Policy changes recomendations to improve masks and respirators--Johns Hopkins study mike kraft Group Post 10/05/21
Political - Japan mdmcdonald Group 07/26/11
Political Analysis: "Republicans risk becoming face of delta surge as key GOP governors oppose anti-covid measures" mike kraft Group Post 08/12/21
Political Analysis: Biden aims to manage expectations with pandemic amid various uncertainities mike kraft Group Post 03/03/21
Political analysis: Mandate resistance--why Republicans are oppposing Covid vaccine mandates mike kraft Group Post 12/17/21
Political leaning influences American doctors' beliefs about COVID treatments-- study mike kraft Group Post 02/07/23
Political reaction: Republican governors threaten to sue over Biden’s sweeping vaccine mandates mike kraft Group Post 09/10/21
Political: House of Representatives oversight committee releases report detailing efforts of Trump administration officials to 'undermine' Covid-19 efforts in US mike kraft Group Post 12/17/21
Politics ‘A whole lot of hurt’: Fauci warns of covid-19 surge, offers blunt assessment of Trump’s response mike kraft Group Post 11/01/20
Politics: Ex-aide discloses why Trump rarely wore masks during pandemic; DeSanis won't support support vaccine funding mike kraft Group Post 09/21/23
Politics: GOP opposition to vaccine mandates is extending far beyond Covid-19 mike kraft Group Post 11/18/21
Politics: Republican officials embrace natural immunity as substitute for vaccines mike kraft Group Post 11/22/21
Poll shows just how far COVID-19 misinformation has traveled; U.S Marines also affected : mike kraft Group Post 11/08/21
Poll: Many people in the U.S and Africa, fewer in Europe, believe the 'truth about harmful effects of vaccines' is being deliberately hidden mike kraft Group Post 11/23/21
Polls indicate more Black Americans are open to vaccines after outreach efforts mike kraft Group Post 04/10/21
Polls indicate percentages of Americans who believe they dont need vaccinations, have little confidence in scientists mike kraft Group Post 11/14/23
Polls on wearing masks and U.S.parents' attitudes toward getting their under 5-year-old kids vaccinated for covid mike kraft Group Post 05/04/22
Polls: Only a fourth of Americans definately want the new Covid-19 vaccine, but a third more worried about Covid mike kraft Group Post 09/27/23
Pollution Deadlier Than War, Terrorism, and Major Diseases--study mike kraft Group Post 06/03/24
Poor countries face long wait for vaccines despite promises mike kraft Group Post 12/15/20
Poor indoor air quality still a problem in reducing transmission of Covid and other viruses mike kraft Group Post 11/21/23
Poorer nations reject over 100 million COVID shots because many close to expiry mike kraft Group Post 01/13/22
Portugal used 100% renewable energy sources to run the country for a week mike kraft Group Post 11/20/23
Possible explanaton for surge in RSV cases following COVID pandemic--study mike kraft Group Post 05/31/24
Possible links between Covid shots and tinnitus emerge --more investigation needed mike kraft Group Post 04/24/23
Pot use seems to contribute to more severe cases of COVID-19-- study mike kraft Group Post 06/21/24
Potential China wave is 'wild card' for ending COVID emergency - WHO advisors FNUOvviyaa Group Post 12/20/22
Potential Explanation for COVID Vaccine Blood Clot Connection--new research mike kraft Group Post 04/10/23
POTS, a debilitating heart condition, is linked to Covid and, to a lesser degree, vaccines mike kraft Group Post 12/13/22
Power Line Connected to Help Cool Japanese Reactor Kathy Gilbeaux Forum topic 03/17/11
Pre-existing illness strongest indicator of risk for severe COVID-19 in children--study mike kraft Group Post 10/10/22
Pre-pandemic efficiently managed hospital ICU's had lower COVID-19 deaths --study mike kraft Group Post 10/18/23
Pregnant Latam women are the most vulnerable to COVID-19 -Pan Am health agency mike kraft Group Post 05/27/21
Pregnant women are likely to have mild covid-19 cases but suffer prolonged symptoms, study finds mike kraft Group Post 10/10/20
Pregnant women who have had COVID-19 may be at lower risk for long COVID --study mike kraft Group Post 05/29/24
Pregnant women with Covid-19 face higher risk of severe illness and death, study says mike kraft Group Post 11/03/20
Pregnant women's drop in confidence over COVID vaccines outlined in survey mike kraft Group Post 04/10/24
Pregnant women: CDC data: COVID-19 vaccines don't increase risk of miscarriage, birth defects--doctors urge vaccinations mike kraft Group Post 09/23/21
Preliminary laboratory data hints at what makes Omicron superspreading variant mike kraft Group Post 12/17/21


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