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Ibasho - Creating Communities that Value Their Elders

submitted by Emi Kiyota

Ibasho means "a place where you can feel like yourself" in Japanese.  At Ibasho we believe this is what every person should have as they age - a place to live in safety, comfort and dignity, where he or she is valued as a person full of history or experience.

Rokkasho Nuclear Processing Center Lost Power in Today's 7.2 Earthquake in Japan

Rokkasho Nuclear Processing center "Rokkasho-Mura" lost power.

They are now use Backup generator.  If they finished gas, they have issue.

A focused nation avoiding chaos

Filed under RESILIENT RESPONSE: The strength of the group is what helps people carry on.

Masako Huibregtse: Ms. Nakano's Thank You Message for Help to Japan

Dear friends,
I would like to Thank everyone for all the heartfelt messages and prayers sent to Japan
and Japanese communities abroad at the time of Japan's Natural Disaster. We have 
received much help and generous donations from many countries.  I like to mention
special thanks to the Fairfax County's Urban Search and Rescue Team for their 
expertise under very difficult conditions.
Ms. Nakano's message reflects heartfelt gratitude from all Japanese in Japan as well as abroad.

Japan Update 5 APR

On Monday, Yukiya Amano, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, stressed that the global nuclear community cannot take a "business-as-usual approach." When asked if the Fukushima catastrophe could have been avoided, Amano replied, "The measures taken by the operators as a safety measure (were) not sufficient to prevent this accident." On Tuesday the Fukushima prefectural goverment started radiation measuremen

TUFS-Multilingual Disaster Information Service

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies providing info for disaster victims in 16 languages, click here to access the english language page.


References - Documents

Dangers of Leaving No Resident Behind

submitted by Tom McGinn

The New York Times - by Gardiner Harris - March 21, 2011

When the Three Mile Island nuclear generating station along the Susquehanna River seemed on the verge of a full meltdown in March 1979, Gov. Richard L. Thornburgh of Pennsylvania asked a trusted aide to make sure that the evacuation plans for the surrounding counties would work.

The aide came back ashen faced. Dauphin County, on the eastern shore of the river, planned to send its populace west to safety over the Harvey Taylor Bridge.

“All well and good,” Mr. Thornburgh said in a recent speech, “except for the fact that Cumberland County on the west shore of the river had adopted an evacuation plan that would funnel all exiting traffic eastbound over — you guessed it — the same Harvey Taylor Bridge.”

Nearly 250,000 people would have been sent in opposite directions over the same narrow bridge.

Mr. Thornburgh quickly corrected the plans, but more problems would soon arise — just as they have in many other disasters. As the Japanese are learning, the science behind herding thousands, sometimes millions, of people from danger to safety is uncertain at best. And the lessons learned from one disaster can both hurt and help with the next.

The Fukushima Accident Until Friday, Noted at Level 4 - Same as Ibaraki Prefecture Nuclear Accident in 1999: Now Level 5

The Japanese government raised its rating on Friday of the problems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to the same level as the 1979 Three Mile Island accident.  

A View from Japan on Present Crisis: Dr. Satoru Hashimoto

Here in Japan, still chaotic but I hope it will be settled down by many people's effort. Unfortunately even in Japan the route to Tohoku area is limited and many offers from abroad have been declined. But please tell them we are not arrogant, but the system is not working well now. It is beyond our system. Anyway internet is doing its best. There are so many threads and mailing lists, people were united with this new tool which we did not use when we had an earthquake 16 years ago in Kobe (death toll was about 6000). The problem is the earthquake this time is far beyond our power.

Feds move more radiation monitors to West Coast

March 17, 2011

Growing concern by Americans over exposure from damaged nuclear plants in Japan has prompted officials to deploy more radiation monitors in the western United States and Pacific territories, federal environmental regulators say.

Officials with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said they do not expect harmful radiation levels to reach anywhere in the U.S. from Japan.


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