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Analysis: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Isn’t Technikcally a Vaccine Mandate mike kraft Group Post 11/08/21
Analysis: Bird Flu Is Spreading, But Testing of People is a Challenge . mike kraft Group Post 07/18/24
ANALYSIS: Can kids be harmed wearing masks to protect against COVID? mike kraft Group Post 09/17/21
ANALYSIS: CDC greatly overstated the incidence of COVID outdoor transmissions mike kraft Group Post 05/11/21
ANALYSIS: CDC’s credibility is eroded by internal blunders and external attacks as coronavirus vaccine campaigns loom mike kraft Group Post 09/29/20
Analysis: CDC’s remote-work policy may hinder efforts for agencywide reform, experts say mike kraft Group Post 12/02/22
ANALYSIS: Concern about coronavirus nullifying vaccinations is overblown-- experts. mike kraft Group Post 04/12/21
ANALYSIS: Concern that World on brink of fourth wave of coronavirus mike kraft Group Post 03/07/21
Analysis: Controlled studies ease worries of widespread long Covid in kids mike kraft Group Post 02/15/22
ANALYSIS: Coronavirus shutdowns don’t need to be all or nothing --study mike kraft Group Post 11/27/20
ANALYSIS: Coronavirus: Tests 'could be picking up dead virus' mike kraft Group Post 09/06/20
Analysis: Covid boosters are a gamechanger – if they are free for everyone mike kraft Group Post 04/03/24
Analysis: Covid disputes made it nearly impossible to pass new vaccine rules in some states mike kraft Group Post 06/05/23
Analysis: COVID has splintered into multiple variants dominating different countries at the same time. mike kraft Group Post 10/17/22
Analysis: Covid is making us ungovernable mike kraft Group Post 10/11/22
Analysis: COVID pandemic is over in the U.S., indicated by excess-deaths data mike kraft Group Post 07/21/23
ANALYSIS: COVID pandemic urgency distrupted initial evidence based research efforts mike kraft Group Post 05/12/21
Analysis: Covid's "new normal" has set in but there are issues in coping with it. mike kraft Group Post 09/11/23
Analysis: COVID-19 digital contact tracing worked — heed the lessons for future pandemics mike kraft Group Post 07/03/23
Analysis: Desperate airlines hope vaccine mandates will lure back passengers mike kraft Group Post 10/08/21
ANALYSIS: Detailed discussion of ways to speed coronavirus testing. mike kraft Group Post 08/14/20
ANALYSIS: Dr. Debora Birx says number of US coronavirus deaths could have been "decreased substantially" mike kraft Group Post 03/28/21
Analysis: Evaluating the latest uptick in covid-19 cases from the new varient mike kraft Group Post 08/15/23
Analysis: Evolution is on omicron subvariants’ side mike kraft Group Post 06/28/22
Analysis: Experts question reliance on monkeypox vaccine with little data, short supply mike kraft Group Post 08/23/22
Analysis: Experts say it's 'meaningless' to compare case counts, positivity rates from the current Omicron BA.5 subvariant wave to earlier spikes mike kraft Group Post 07/12/22
Analysis: Face masks keep kids safe from Covid-19 and keep schools open. There’s no evidence they harm kids developmentally. mike kraft Group Post 02/14/22
Analysis: Failures in achieving COVID-19 vaccine equity mike kraft Group Post 05/05/23
Analysis: Falling demand for COVID boosters makes price hikes more likely mike kraft Group Post 10/21/22
ANALYSIS: Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible mike kraft Group Post 03/19/21
Analysis: Following COVID-19 precautions was closely linked to traditional values except in the U.S.--study mike kraft Group Post 04/12/23
Analysis: Global COVID cases expected to increase in coming months, but at a slower pace -report mike kraft Group Post 10/25/22
ANALYSIS: Global COVID-19 cases surpass 200 mln as Delta variant spreads mike kraft Group Post 08/04/21
Analysis: Governments want COVID vaccine developers to aim higher in developing new and better shots mike kraft Group Post 03/31/22
Analysis: H5 influenza vaccines --What needs to be done to reduce the risk of a pandemic mike kraft Group Post 09/06/24
Analysis: Has the US forgotten about Covid? mike kraft Group Post 08/19/22
Analysis: How America Lost the COVID-19 War mike kraft Group Post 04/24/23
ANALYSIS: How America’fumbled its response to the coronavirus mike kraft Group Post 07/20/20
Analysis: How climate change is increasing immune health problems and how to counter it mike kraft Group Post 04/05/24
Analysis: How COVAX failed on its promise to vaccinate the world mike kraft Group Post 10/08/21
Analysis: How Covid data gaps in states allowed Delta to proliferate mike kraft Group Post 09/02/21
Analysis: How Environmental Factors Influence Public Health Issues mike kraft Group Post 07/09/24
ANALYSIS: How Europe Went Wrong in Its Vaccine Rollout mike kraft Group Post 03/20/21
Analysis: How long immunity might last after a COVID infection mike kraft Group Post 01/23/24
ANALYSIS: How Melbourne, Australia, eradicated Covid-19 mike kraft Group Post 12/05/20
Analysis: How Omicron highlights fading hope of herd immunity from COVID mike kraft Group Post 01/20/22
ANALYSIS: How richer countries got their vaccine supplies first mike kraft Group Post 04/01/21
ANALYSIS: How the Pandemic now ends and the difficult path mike kraft Group Post 08/13/21
ANALYSIS: How the Search for Covid-19 Treatments Faltered While Vaccines Sped Ahead mike kraft Group Post 01/30/21
Analysis: How the U.S. CDC’s communication failures during Covid tarnished the agency mike kraft Group Post 10/03/22


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