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In contrast to US, WHO backs testing people without symptoms

GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization said Thursday that countries should actively test people to find coronavirus cases even if they don’t show symptoms — a stance that comes after the U.S. health agency switched its policy to say that asymptomatic contacts of infected people don’t need to be tested.

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COVID-19 lockdowns blocked flu in some places but fall looms


JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Winter is ending in the Southern Hemisphere and country after country -- South Africa, Australia, Argentina -- had a surprise: Their steps against COVID-19 also apparently blocked the flu.

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Facing 2nd virus wave, Spain tracks infections with soldiers

MADRID (AP) — Under strain from Europe’s fastest-growing wave of coronavirus infections, the Spanish government cleared the way for more localized lockdowns Tuesday and deployed the military to bolster the country’s faltering attempts to trace infections.

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