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Lancet Commission makes recomendations to encourage reluctant Americans to get COVID vaccinations.

Promoting COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: recommendations from the Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal, Acceptance, and Demand in the US

The Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal, Acceptance, and Demand in the USA formed to address the persistent and important threat to public health in the USA posed by suboptimal uptake of some vaccines. ...

Since January, 2021, 20% of adults in the USA have consistently reported that they will either get vaccinated only if required for work, or not get vaccinated at all.

One of the most pressing factors contributing to this reluctance has been the unprecedented political polarisation that has affected virtually all aspects of the US pandemic response, as a partisan divide emerged during the previous administration.

Research in political science, communications, and public health have shown that the politicisation of COVID-19 and the public health response to it has been highly detrimental to the success of the US response to the pandemic. ...

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Modernizing Research & Development for Pandemic Readiness--Webinar, Wednesday, Nov 17, at 1 PM ET



Join us this Wednesday, November 17, at 1pm (ET) for the Capitol Hill Steering Committee on Pandemic Preparedness and Health Security webinar: Modernizing Research & Development for Pandemic Readiness.

Over the last 2 years, the United States and the rest of the world have seen the immense value of research and development of new tools, technologies, drugs, and vaccines to combat infectious disease threats. This session will take stock of what worked well, where we struggled most, and how we can modernize the U.S. government’s investments, structures, and partnerships in R&D to transform our capabilities and prevent future pandemics.


·    Anita Cicero, JD, Deputy Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security

Opening Remarks:

·    Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, D-CA (Invited)


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