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Earth estimated to have briefly passed critical warming threshold on Friday


The indication that Friday was the first day on record to have a global average surface temperature above 2°C when compared with preindustrial levels, emerged first from a dataset maintained by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)


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Trends in respiratory infections --two assessments


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Federal COVID aid helped boost telehealth expansion in rural America



Federal pandemic aid also helped slow the rate of rural hospital closures. But as facilities contend with lingering inflation, workforce shortages and declining populations, the pace of those closures is picking up again.

Telehealth offers a chance to bridge the gap in hospital deserts.


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COVID and flu vaccine rates are declining for US health care workers --CDC

COVID and flu vaccine rates are declining for US health care workers, CDC reports: ‘Disturbing trend’ (


...They found that flu vaccine coverage was 81% among health care employees at hospitals and 47.1% at nursing homes.


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Long Covid hits U.S. veterans hard; 4th COVID vaccine dose helped those with rheumatic disease

Nearly half of 363,000 US veterans who tested positive for COVID-19 still had symptoms up to 6 months later, and the risk factors for this condition were Black race, older age, diabetes, and severe infection, concludes a study published yesterday in the Annals of Epidemiology.



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