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WEBINAR TODAY, 5:00PM ET : COVAX Past, Present, and Future: A Conversation with Dr. Seth Berkley

COVAX Past, Present, and Future: A Conversation with Dr. Seth Berkley


Monday, November 15
5:00 - 6:00 p.m. ET


Online - Livestream

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WHO: Coronavirus cases declining everywhere except Europe

LONDON (AP) — The World Health Organization reported Wednesday that coronavirus deaths rose by 10% in Europe in the past week, making it the only world region where both COVID-19 cases and deaths are steadily increasing. It was the sixth consecutive week that the virus has risen across the continent.

In its weekly report on the pandemic, the U.N. health agency said there were about 3.1 million new cases globally, about a 1% increase from the previous week. Nearly two-thirds of the coronavirus infections - 1.9 million - were in Europe, where cases rose by 7%.

The countries with the highest numbers of new cases worldwide were the United States, Russia, Britain, Turkey and Germany. The number of weekly COVID-19 deaths fell by about 4% worldwide and declined in every region except Europe. ...


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