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Reference: Time line of Covid-19 Pandemic developments

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(CNN) Here's a look at the coronavirus outbreak, declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The coronavirus, called Covid-19 by WHO, originated in China and is the cousin of the SARS virus.

 ...  (dates of important developments follow)

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Misinformation issue: California Legislature passes Bill to Punish Doctors Who Spread False Information

Trying to strike a balance between free speech and public health, California’s Legislature on Monday approved a bill that would allow regulators to punish doctors for spreading false information about Covid-19 vaccinations and treatments.

The legislation, if signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, would make the state the first to try to legislate a remedy to a problem that the American Medical Association, among other medical groups and experts, says has worsened the impact of the pandemic, resulting in thousands of unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths.

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Most clinicians treating low-income COVID patients feel morally distressed--survey

Constrained by a lack of sufficient resources and faced with difficult decisions amid COVID-19 surges in the first year of the pandemic, nearly 72% of US primary care, dental, and behavioral health clinicians working in safety-net clinics report experiencing mild to intense moral distress, finds a study published late last week in BMJ Open.


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