NISA = Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency - thru Mar 18

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I shared some earlier reports - thru March 15 - here.  I continue to work my way thru the Japan reports from the horse's mouth, and attached are NISA reports March 16 17 18.  I will share more as I get thru more. 

Here, from my notes, are my sources of this information.

Date at beginning of sub-head is vintage of the official information.

Date in parentheses at end of each sub-head is when I got my hands on the info.

March 16 9 am Japan info (1 Mar 19)

The Government of Japan shares a situation report on response to the current situation,[1] as of March 16.  What happened, what’s being done about it, statistics. So far 114 countries and regions as well as 24 international organizations have expressed their intentions to extend assistance. (as of 9:00, March 16, 2011)

(1) After the earthquake and tsunami, control rods have been inserted immediately in the 11 reactors which were in operation in 3 nuclear power plants in Miyagi, Fukushima and Ibaragi Prefectures, automatically suspending power generation.

(2) With respect to TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi and Dai-ni Nuclear Power Plants in Fukushima Prefecture, Nuclear Emergencies Situation was declared, and evacuations and introduction of emergency measures are undertaken. At Unit 1 of the Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, a hydrogen explosion was observed at around 15:36 of March 12. However, it is thought that the Unit's containment vessel was not damaged.

(3) At 11:01 of March 14, a hydrogen explosion was observed in Unit 3 of the same Power Plant. The pressure of the unit's containment vessel fluctuated, but it is becoming stable. Therefore it is considered that the unit's containment vessel maintains its function. In Unit 2 of the same Power Plant, the cooling equipment of the reactor stopped on the same day, and preparations for measures of pouring in sea water are in progress in order to deal with the lowered water level.

(4) The Government of Japan has explained the situation to the diplomatic corps in Tokyo and foreign media and is providing necessary information to the IAEA in a timely manner.

March 16 11.15 am Japan info (1 Mar 20)

The Government of Japan shares Japan: Press Conference by the Chief Cabinet Secretary March 16, 2011 at 11:15am on dealing with the current evolving situation.  I updated Time Line notes accordingly.

March 17 5.30 pm NISA Update (1 Mar 20)

Japan: Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency Seismic Damage Information (the 28th Release) (As of 17:30 March 17th, 2011) of the Government of Japan (NISA info as of 5.30 pm JST) summary link[2] to 16 page detail PDF,[3] which I downloaded using name “NISA 17 Mar 5.30 pm Sitrep” (intending to upload to my Linked In profile / my files / Japan / Official). I entered relevant new info to my Time Line doc.  Within this report are:

·        Revised counts of radiation affected residents and injured workers;

·        Pressure and Temperature readings for each of the nuclear power sources impacted by the chaos;

March 18 6.30 am NISA Update (1 Mar 22)

Japan: Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency Seismic Damage Information (the 29th Release) (As of 06:30 March 18th, 2011) Japan:  of Government of Japan (NISA 18 Mar 6.30 am JST) summary link[4] to 16 page detail PDF,[5] I downloaded naming “NISA 18 Mar 6.30 am Sitrep” (intending to upload to Japan Resilience Nuclear Engineering Issues[6] and my Linked In profile[7] / my files / Japan / Official). I entered relevant new info to my Time Line doc.  Within this report:

  • Electric power supply latest recovery;
  • Major events by nuclear reactor, of those hit by first big event;
  • Mitigation for people exposed to radiation;
  • Status overall of nuclear power plants hit by the first big quake and tsunami;
  • Water spray latest updates;

March 18 3 pm NISA Update (1 Mar 22)

Japan: Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency Seismic Damage Information (the 30th Release - As of 15:00 March 18th, 2011) of Government of Japan (NISA 18 Mar 3 pm JST) summary link[8] to PDF,[9] I downloaded naming “NISA 18 Mar 3 pm Sitrep” (intending to upload to Japan Resilience Nuclear Engineering Issues[10] and my Linked In profile[11] / my files / Japan / Official). I entered relevant new info to my Time Line doc.  Within this report:

  • Contaminated and injured persons updates;
  • Infrastructure repairs progress;
  • Radiation readings around the nuclear power plants impacted by the big quake and tsunami;
  • Some statements a bit unclear which power plant unit they referring to;
  • Status overall of nuclear power plants hit by the first big quake and tsunami;
  • Water spray latest updates;

March 18 10 pm NISA Update (1 Mar 24)

Japan: Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency Seismic Damage Information (the 31th Release) (As of 22:00 March 18th, 2011) of Government of Japan (NISA 18 Mar 10 pm JST) summary link[12] to 17 page PDF,[13] I downloaded naming “NISA 18 Mar 10 pm Sitrep” (intending to upload to Japan Resilience Nuclear Engineering Issues[14] and my Linked In profile[15] / my files / Japan / Official). I entered relevant new info to my Time Line doc.  Within this report:

  • Fukushima Dai-ichi continued parade of incidents;
  • Latest progress fighting the nuclear accidents;
  • Pressure and Temperature readings where cooling being attempted;
  • Radiation exposure and Injuries so far;
  • Tokai unit 2 included this time;

howdy folks