A TEPCO employee walks in front of the No. 1 reactor building. REUTERS/Toru Hanai
cnn.com - by Yoko Wakatsuki and Elaine Yu - February 11, 2016
Cleaning up Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, which suffered catastrophic meltdowns after an earthquake and tsunami hit in 2011, may take up to 40 years.
The crippled nuclear reactor is now stable but the decommissioning process is making slow progress, says the plant's operator Tokyo Electric Power Co, better known as TEPCO. . . .
. . . The biggest obstacle to closing down the plant permanently is removing all the melted nuclear fuel debris from three reactors, Ono told reporters after a press tour of the plant this week.
But TEPCO says it is in the dark about the current state of the debris.
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