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Experts are warning that the push to vaccinate kids has already been seized on by groups looking to spread anti-vaccination messages.


Dr. Natasha Burgert is well aware of the concerns parents have about the Covid-19 vaccines.

The Kansas pediatrician, who is a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, said she’s already been counseling some parents about their fears. And she worries that they are entering a particularly sensitive time — one that anti-vaccination activists could exploit.

“If the anti-vaccine industry starts doing what we anticipate, with those very graphic and emotionally charged videos, and bringing out their supposed experts, I think it’s going to affect a new group of parents,” she said. 

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Immunocompromised people may get less protection from mRNA vaccines: new study

COVID-19 vaccines worked fairly well in keeping immunocompromised patients out of the hospital from the infection, but still less than for those with a competent immune system, a study showed.

After two vaccine doses, immunocompromised patients saw 77% vaccine effectiveness (95% CI 74%-80%) against hospitalization for confirmed COVID-19, with a 3.9% rate of SARS-CoV-2 test positivity in hospital compared with 11.8% among those who were unvaccinated.

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The most recent group of 100,000 deaths in the U.S. is very different from the first --And most were preventable.

Younger, Southern, rural and white.

Those are increasingly the kinds of people who are dying of Covid-19, as the demographics of those hit hardest by the coronavirus have shifted since the pandemic first hit the United States. The country’s most recent, devastating Covid wave, fueled by the highly contagious delta variant, showed the strength of the virus even in the face of mounting vaccinations, with more than 100,000 deaths reported in the past three months.

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