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Pilot program finds cash cards helped encourage vaccinations in several underserved communities


Offering a $25 incentive for the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine increased uptake, as well as vaccine interest, particularly among residents of underserved communities, a small pilot study in North Carolina found.

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Why even fully vaccinated older people are at high risk for severe COVID-19

Mounting data suggest that older people are at higher risk of severe disease from a breakthrough infection of COVID-19—and scientists say that should come as no surprise. After all, older age brackets have been disproportionately at risk throughout the pandemic, and that continues to be true even once someone is fully vaccinated.

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Britain’s Gamble on Few Virus Restrictions is being tested by increases in infections, deaths

LONDON — For the last four months, Britain has run a grand epidemiological experiment, lifting virtually all coronavirus restrictions, even in the face of a high daily rate of infections. Its leaders justified the approach on the grounds that the country’s rapid rollout of vaccines had weakened the link between infection and serious illness.

Now, with cases, hospital admissions and deaths all rising again; the effect of vaccines beginning to wear off; and winter looming, Britain’s strategy of learning to live with the virus is coming under its stiffest test yet.

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