Japan’s New Reconstruction Agency Faces Urgent Problems in Wake of Quake Damage

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Japan’s New Reconstruction Agency Faces Urgent Problems in Wake of Quake Damage

submitted by Alister Wm Macintyre

By David Sandercock - theaustralianeye.com - February 11, 2012

TOKYO _ The newly inaugurated Reconstruction Agency, which the government considers the “command tower” for recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, faces monumental challenges that need to be urgently addressed.

Among them are debris removal, relocation of disaster-zone neighborhoods to higher ground and decontamination work, for which the agency is tasked with allocating financial and human resources.

On Friday afternoon, Kazuko Kori, parliamentary secretary for reconstruction in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake reported for duty at the Miyagi reconstruction bureau. The regional bureau was opened on the 13th floor of an office building in Sendai.


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