WHO warns of deadly second wave of virus across Middle East

Noting that the virus had sickened over 3.6 million people and killed more than 76,000 in the region over the past nine months, al-Mandhari warned “the lives of as many people — if not more — are at stake,” urging action to “prevent this tragic premonition from becoming a reality.”

More than 60% of all new infections in the past week were reported from Iran, Jordan and Morocco, he said. Cases are also up in Pakistan and Lebanon, which went under lockdown earlier this week. Jordan, Tunisia and Lebanon have reported the biggest single-day death spikes from the region.

Worst off in the region has been Iran, where infections have soared in recent months, filling up hospitals and driving up the death toll. Iran shattered its single-day death toll six times in the last two weeks, bringing the total count of fatalities past 43,400 — the highest in the Middle East. ...


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States That Imposed Few Restrictions Now Have the Worst Outbreaks

The Vaccines Will Probably Work. Making Them Fast Will Be the Hard Part.

The promising news that not just one but two coronavirus vaccines were more than 90 percent effective in early results has buoyed hopes that an end to the pandemic is in sight.

But even if the vaccines are authorized soon by federal regulators — the companies developing them have said they expect to apply soon — only a sliver of the American public will be able to get one by the end of the year. The two companies, Pfizer and Moderna, have estimated they will have 45 million doses, or enough to vaccinate 22.5 million Americans, by January.

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Pharma trade group issues guidelines for improving diversity of clinical trial participants

FDA authorizes 1st rapid virus test that gives results at home

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. regulators on Tuesday allowed emergency use of the first rapid coronavirus test that can be performed entirely at home and delivers results in 30 minutes.

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More than 3 million people in U.S. estimated to be contagious with the coronavirus

Pfizer ends vaccine trial with 95% success rate, paving way for a shot this year

" ...following the science’: How the Covid-19 pandemic has been curtailed in Cherokee Nation

Covid testing before flying could become the norm as airlines try to boost confidence and woo travelers

Vaccine Unproven? No Problem in China, Where People Scramble for Shots

Pfizer to start pilot delivery program for its COVID-19 vaccine in four U.S. states

BBC ANALYSIS: Covid-19 in the US: Is this coronavirus wave the worst yet?

Americans may have tuned out of coronavirus news as they focused on the outcome of the presidential election, but the pandemic has quietly been getting worse in the country.

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Hospital-Acquired SARS-CoV-2 InfectionLessons for Public Health

WHO tempers prospect of a coronavirus vaccine with warning of a long distribution fight to come

Pfizer vs Moderna vaccines: What we know, and what we don't


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