Global coronavirus cases exceed 50 million after 30-day spike

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ADDITIONAL REPORTING: How a Coronavirus Mutation in Minks Could Wreak Havoc on Vaccine Development

Biden to announce COVID-19 task force Monday

oe Biden plans Monday to name a 12-member task force to combat and contain the spread of the coronavirus, sources tell Axios.

Why it matters: By announcing a COVID task force even before unveiling his senior White House staff or a single cabinet appointment, Biden is signaling that addressing the coronavirus will be the immediate priority for his transition, and then his potential administration.

  • While Biden still hasn't declared victory in Tuesday's election, his team is already planning to govern, and he and his advisers want to reassure the country they can address a health crisis that's getting worse, not better.

The picture: The task force will be led by three co-chairs: former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner David Kessler and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith from Yale University.

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The time is now to develop a testing strategy for asymptomatic Covid-19 cases, CDC director says

UK's first mass COVID testing program underway in Liverpool

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Aspirin to be investigated as a possible treatment for COVID-19 in the RECOVERY trial

From today, aspirin will be investigated in the world’s largest clinical trial of treatments for patients hospitalised with COVID-19. The Randomised Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY (RECOVERY) trial is taking place in 176 hospital sites across the UK, and has so far recruited over 16,000 patients. 

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Common cold antibodies hold clues to COVID-19 behavior; lung scans speed COVID-19 diagnosis in stroke patients

Children Produce Weaker Coronavirus Antibodies, Study Finds

Australia has almost eliminated the coronavirus — by putting faith in science

Why Germany’s coronavirus strategy doesn’t appear to be working this time around

LONDON — Germany was lauded for its initial response to the coronavirus pandemic, but a four-week long return to strict public health measures has raised questions over the effectiveness of its strategy second time around.

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Europe, Word Roundup

U.S. coronavirus cases climb by record for second day in a row, up over 120,000

UN calls special General Assembly session on pandemic

The UN General Assembly moved Thursday to hold a special session focused on international coordination to the coronavirus pandemic from December 3-4 in New York.

Discussed since June, the meeting is intended to bring together heads of state and government according to a resolution adopted by 150 of the 193 General Assembly members. 

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WHO needs reforms, while preserving 'political independence': panel

Rich Countries Reserve Billions Of Covid-19 Vaccine Doses Even Before There Is One


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